Community Action Team Course

Strandliners was pleased to introduce a brand new CAT course, revised and updated for 2023. The classroom sessions included topics such as:

  • Sources & identification of important plastic pollution
  • Links between plastic pollution & climate change
  • Recording and how it can lead to change
  • Different types of surveys
  • Where does recycling fit in?
  • Introduction to river water analysis

Thank you to all those who attended our classroom sessions. You have been emailed a link to all our resources.

It would be good if you could also come along one of the practical sessions, to see what a survey entails.

We intend to run another CAT24 course next spring. If you would like to register an interest (with no commitment) please leave your details with us and we will get back to you once we have more information.

If you are interested in Strandliners running a course in your area, please email.