
Who we are

Founded in 2012 and incorporated in 2018 as a community interest company, Strandliners is an all-volunteer grassroots organisation based in East Sussex, but working throughout Sussex and into Kent. In 2019, Strandliners’ local volunteers committed over 820 hours of their own time to the effort on plastic.

Strandliners’ dedicated teams have included a geologist, a TV presenter, an architect, an engineer, a yoga teacher, Duke of Edinburgh students, and many more. Our common cause is to identify the toxic waste we pick and trace it to its source: domestic, agricultural, shipping, industrial, medical and commercial.

We engage “polluters” as stakeholders not adversaries. It’s a cross-community effort. If we work together, we all have a better chance of turning back the plastic tide. 

Andy Dinsdale

Strandliners’ Executive Director, Andy Dinsdale (pictured), has been leading riverbank- and beach-cleans since 2004 and regularly represents the organisation at national and international marine conservation conferences. He shares governance responsibilities with co-directors Dominic Manning and Amanda Snowdon.

Our funders

Strandliners CIC has received generous support from Rother District Council, Rye Town Council, Little Cheyne Court Wind Farm, Sea-Changers, The Rye Fund, Jempson’s, Break Free From Plastic, Sussex Community Foundation, and individual supporters like you. Thank you for your help.

What People Say

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

J. K. Rowling

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Dr. Seuss