November/December 2022


Future Events – Lewes, Rye Harbour, Brede, Northiam, Etchingham, Robertsbridge (All River Rother Preventing Plastic Pollution events)
October updates – PPP events along the Ouse & Adur
Winter Workshop – Seabean & Mermaid purse identification 
Buy Nothing Day – November 25th
Other organisations – We may all be working towards the same goal but there are different ways and methods to achieve it. 

The Preventing Plastic Pollution project focuses on river catchments because 60% to 80% of all coastal marine plastic pollution comes from land, and waterways are one of the greatest pathways. This project reduces potential marine litter and gains data on existing plastic pollution in and around rivers and their catchments.

Welcome to the November/December 2022 newsletter

COP 27 is ongoing and the discussions on climate change continue. We must all be aware that climate change, biodiversity loss and plastic pollution are all closely linked. More to come in The Fulmar next month.

Nearer to home there are more talks and discussion events this month as part of the river catchment based Preventing Plastic Pollution projects. 

I look forward to these as local knowledge and expertise on mismanaged waste (litter!) is so useful when partnering with the survey based events to record our environmental plastic pollution. 

Watch out for the first Winter Workshop, it’s happening at last! This will be a really enjoyable session catching up with Strandliners members and subscribers and beachcombers in general! Discover what seabeans we can find on our shores, the special ones travel all the way from Tropical America! Mermaid purses are the egg cases of skates, rays and sharks and seven species are known to be in the Rye Bay.

If anyone can’t make any event you can still help by passing on this news letter for others to read, or encourage friends and family to join Strandliners (subscribe here). For anyone on social media this is Strandliners Facebook page.

2023 membership is open now. £12 for new members and £10 for existing members to renew. Thank you for all members for supporting Strandliners.

Andy Dinsdale 

Future Events

Lewes – Tuesday 15th November – Talk & Discussion – 7pm
Preventing Plastic Pollution in the Ouse & Adur – Please email for more information
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve – Friday 18th November – Litter pick & Survey – 10am Preventing Plastic Pollution in the Rother – Please email for more information
Ocean Symposium – Saturday 19th November – Bexhill, UNA Climate & Oceans 
10am to 4.30pm 

The theme this year is “Empowering Communities for Ocean Action”, with talks, presentations and stands.
Book with Eventbrite here

Lewes – Sunday 20th November – Litter pick & Survey – 10am – Please email for more information
Northiam – Thursday 24th November – Talk & Discussion – 7.30pm
Preventing Plastic Pollution in the Rother – Please email for more information
Etchingham – Friday 25th November – Talk & Discussion – 7.30pm
Preventing Plastic Pollution in the Rother – Please email for more information
Fairlight – Sunday 27th November – Winter Workshop – 2pm to 4.30pm Discover the secrets of sea beans & mermaid purses with Andy Dinsdale (£6 but free to members) – Please email to register
Robertsbridge – Monday 28th November – Talk & Discussion – 7.30pm
Preventing Plastic Pollution in the Rother – Please email for more information
Brede – Wednesday 30th November – Talk & Discussion – 7.30pm
Preventing Plastic Pollution in the Rother – Please email for more information
Burgess Hill – Saturday 3rd December (Provisional date) – Litter pick & Survey – Please email for more information

October Updates

The Great Nurdle Hunt
River Cuckmere – Average of 1515 nurdles in 50cm X 50cm quadrats, but didn’t finish!!!! Biobead to Nurdle ratio 0.7:1 approx. (Lower ratio of Biobeads to previous years).
Camber Sands – 1,400 nurdles found in 30 minutes by 7 people. Biobead to Nurdle ratio 4:1 approx. (Lower ratio of Biobeads to previous years).

Preventing Plastic Pollution (PPP)

Surveys and workshops at Hassocks, Steyning, Adur Estuary and Lewes

Brand Audit

These surveys show that a great percentage of all plastic pollution is food packaging, but also household materials are an issue in certain areas. The data shows that all survey sites are different. The more data we collect the greater ability there is to reduce this pollution at source.

Winter Workshop #1

Sea Beans & Mermaid Purses
Sunday 27th November 2 – 4.30pm @ RSPCA Mallydams Wood, Fairlight
Members free        
Non-members £6  
Refreshments provided
Reserve your place at

Buy Nothing Day

Held on the same day as Black Friday, Buy Nothing Day is a day of detox from consumerism and an opportunity to think about the environmental impact of our shopping.

As consumers we should be questioning the products we buy and challenging the companies who produce them. Overconsumption poses real risks to the environment and to the developing world.

We can all take part by buying nothing for one day. Committing to consuming less is even better: if we all take simple steps to cut down on what we consume then collectively we will change our attitude towards single use packaging, fast fashion and our throw away culture.

Rother Community Lottery

The Rother Community Lottery supports Strandliners whilst having the chance to win yourself. 
It all helps keeping Strandliners going.

Strandliners Membership

Benefits of becoming a member include a quarterly online magazine, The Fulmar, a monthly raffle to win a sea heart, and opportunities to join beach, marine & citizen science workshops.

Other organisations

We may all be working in different ways but we are all working towards the same goal. Click here to see our current list.